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B i o g r a p h y

Phil Rowe & The Eclectic Dabblers is a recording project that was formed when Phil was contacted by multi-instrumentalist Peter Charlton via Facebook with an offer of teaming up to record some new material and also re-record and re-think each others recordings. Peter had already been jamming in the studio with Spyke and Jimi, the resulting recordings were given to Phil to write lyrics and melodies while Peter and the boys re-recorded their own versions of Rock Soul and Sweetheart. 

In the meantime, Phil came up with vocals to complete tracks that became ‘Grunge Hall’ and ‘The Spring’. Some arrangements and vocals were made to become ‘Happy Days Are Here Again’, while ‘She Lay Me Low’ was a rough sketch that was presented to the band and everyone had their way with it! 

Initially planning to put out a full album, the band decided to release a series of EPs instead, to allow them to complete each project more quickly. Material for the 2nd EP is already well underway and promises to take a different twist to the first. Watch this space!

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